DDC has extensive experience designing complex systems and chips. We are world-class experts on main technologies including digital design using FPGA, ASIC technologies, and SoC. DDC uses modern techniques and technologies to achieve the highest performance and quality, while completing very complex designs or very tight low power small-footprint designs.
DDC has a special emphasis on video/image processing and transport, interfacing, and communication applications. Some applications we serve are: networking, medical imaging systems, man-portable imaging, military/security imaging, embedded video recording, video enhancement, video and audio codecs, vehicular imaging and recording, detail extraction, video analytics, automotive imaging (driver assist), ruggedized applications, digital radios, communications, etc.
With backgrounds and methodologies in ASIC technologies and low power ASIC design, DDC uses long-proven high quality design processes, including modeling, self-checking simulations, top level ASIC simulation, design-for-test, issue tracking, full source control, etc. We also have experience with standards like DO-254 and DO-178 used in critical systems, requiring process-controlled design-for-observability and design-for-control.
We also have experience with HLS (high level synthesis), SoC (System On a Chip), including multi-core ARMs – or ARM system on chip architecture, and the marriage between software and hardware accelerated components.
Requirements Definition
- System Requirements Definition
- System Design & Partitioning
- Trade-off Analysis
- Chip Specification
- Algorithm Development, Modeling, and Characterization
- Matlab, Simulink, C, C++ as required
- Generate Test and Expected Data for Simulation
- Turn-key Chip Design
- Technology Conversions
- HDL Design and Unit Simulation
- High Speed I/O – MGTs
- Complex Memory Structures
- High Density Designs
- High Speed Designs
- Popular Interfaces Including: USB2.0/3.0, PCI/PCIe, Network, serial, AXI, I2C, camera/video (many),
- Embedded Processors / SoC (ARM, Nios, Microblaze, PowerPC, custom)
- Self-checking Test Benches
- Top level simulation against models
- Code coverage
Back End
- Logic Synthesis
- Power and Area Optimization
- Floor Planning, Place, and Route
- Backend Verification and Sign-Off
- Performance Characterization
- Test Software Generation
- Test Plans
- Initial integration
- Final integration
- Conformance checking