The small SWaP (Size, Weight, and Power) DDC Video and Advanced Data Recorders (VAADR®) provide real-time airborne recording of high-bandwidth/high resolution 16 bit IR, CCD, or CMOS grayscale or color imagery, in semi-rugged applications such as UAVs, other test or experimental aircraft, and for research purposes. These airborne recorders can capture RAW (or optionally compressed) imagery and associated meta-data. The RAW imagery recording and associated playback allows advanced image analysis and processing during debriefing and analysis. Some of these airborne video recorders can provide advanced image processing such as NUC, LAP, image stabilization, sharpening, etc.
These VAADR airborne recorder models provide multiple channels, with a variety of conventional and advanced VCR type controls, and with VAADRView, a mix of advanced image analysis and processing during playback. Additionally, they handle metadata acquisition, synchronization, management, and display. These airborne video recorders are generally extensible to handle custom formats, image processing, and other codecs as well. These recorders are in use in UAVs and research aircraft, but are suitable for many applications, including: research and lab applications, testing out new cameras, and image processing applications.
VAADR® Airborne Recorder Features for UAVs, lab, and other applications:
- Solid state video and data recorder
- Record synchronized metadata with the video
- No special debriefing station required
- Ability to record RAW (or optionally compressed)
- Enhance the video during debriefing
- VAADR® Control Console (for lab use, testing, debug)
- VAADR® debriefing software (VAADRView), providing instant access to the recorded video (from the VAADR or from a PC), with extensive image enhancement and data visualization capabilities
- In addition to VAADR View, imagery can be extracted for analysis by your own or other 3rd party processing and analysis software
- Record to dual removable SD cards (8GB-512GB+)
- Circuit-board-only can mount into your custom chassis or used on lab bench

- 1T, 2T, 4T, 8T, 16T
- Highest density and bandwidth per watt
- Highest density and bandwidth per volume